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Text File | 1991-03-03 | 12.1 KB | 396 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- unit SetSoundVol;
- { White Knight RCMD to set the speaker volume. }
- { THINK Pascal 3.0.1 }
- { Aron Roberts }
- { Version 1.1, 3 March 1991 }
- { aron@garnet.berkeley.edu, aron@ucbgarne.bitnet }
- interface
- {_______________________________________________________________ }
- { }
- { Instructions to compile an RCMD with Think Pascal }
- { }
- { 1) Open a new project }
- { 2) Remove Runtime.lib }
- { 3) Add DRVRRuntime.lib }
- { 4) Set project type to a Code Resouce under Project->Set Project Type... }
- { 5) You must enter "RCMD" in the Type }
- { 6) You must give an ID such as between 200 and 300 }
- { 7) Set the Attribute to Purgeable }
- { 8) Select Build Code Resource under Project }
- { }
- { That's IT!!! Now copy the RCMD into the WK Procedure source file that will }
- { use the RCMD! }
- {_______________________________________________________________ }
- {RCMD Structure converted from Think C to Think Pascal by Doug Acker}
- {Modified and updated by Robert A. Daniel}
- {If you find any errors, please send GEnie mail to B.DANIEL}
- type
- {Numeric}
- {The parameter Long26 is an}
- {array of 234 long integers , each containing the current values of the}
- { numeric variables A1% to Z9% in that order . The structure is ordered }
- {so that the first 26 elements are A1% through Z1% , the next 26 elements }
- {would be A2% through Z2% , and the last}
- Long26 = array[1..234] of longint;
- UVAR = ^XRec;
- XRec = record {Record to the numeric Value of A% to Z%}
- x: Long26;
- end;
- {The parameter VarType is an array of 234 Pascal type strings of 134}
- {characters each ( including the length byte ) , containing the current contents of the}
- {stringvariables A1$ to Z9$ in that order . The structure is ordered so that}
- { the first 26 elements are A1$ through Z1$ , the next 26 elements would be }
- {A2$ through Z2$, and the last 26 elements would be A9$ through Z9$. }
- Str134 = string[134];
- VarType = array[1..234] of Str134;
- USTR = ^yRec;
- yRec = record {Record that points to the string of A$ to Z$}
- y: VarType;
- end;
- WKParam = array[1..8350] of byte;
- WKPtr = ^WKPtrRec;
- WKPtrRec = record {Record that points to XXXPARAM Bytes}
- theval: WKParam;
- end;
- byte20 = array[1..20] of byte;
- bytePtr = ^byteRec;
- byteRec = record {Record structure for the GETGROUP/SETGROUP and GETBOX/SETBOX}
- {procedure commands containing 20bytes}
- b: byte20;
- end;
- Buff1K = array[1..1024] of byte;
- Buff1KPtr = ^Buff1Rec;
- Buff1Rec = record {1K buffer free to use if free memory isn't known or}
- data: Buff1K; {known memory is small}
- end;
- Buff2K = array[1..2048] of byte;
- Buff2KPtr = ^Buff2Rec;
- Buff2Rec = record {2K buffer free to use if free memory isn't known or}
- data: Buff2K; {know memory is small}
- end;
- FilterType = array[1..256, 1..2] of byte;
- FilterPtr = ^FilterRec;
- FilterRec = record {Record to the filters for the terminal/capture/Protocol filters}
- {256 ASCII codes, second byte: 0=pass,1=strip, 2=replace, 3=enemuerate}
- f: FilterType;
- end;
- FlagPtr = ^FlagsRec;
- FlagsRec = record {Used by the IF YES and IF NO procedure commands, 0=no,1=yes}
- {Used by the IF ERROR and IF NO ERROR procedure commands, 0=no, 1=yes}
- isyes: byte;
- iserr: byte;
- end;
- PathType = array[1..124] of byte;
- PathPtr = ^Byte124;
- Byte124 = record {The path to Received File Destination path}
- thepath: PathType;
- end;
- RGBColorRec = record {IM V page 48}
- red: integer;
- green: integer;
- blue: integer;
- end;
- passvars = record
- uservar: UVAR; {A% to Z% array of 26 longint}
- userstr: USTR; {A$ to Z$ arrray of 26 Str255}
- params1: WKPtr; {values to use with the GETPARAM or PUTPARAM array of 8350 bytes}
- reserved1: Handle; {Reserved}
- reserved2: longint; {Reserved}
- reserved3: longint; {Reserved}
- reserved4: longint; {Reserved}
- reserved5: integer; {Reserved}
- userbl1: ^ParamBlockRec; {IM II-98 I/O using the USERXXXX1 procedure commands}
- userbl2: ^ParamBlockRec; {IM II-98 I/O using the USERXXXX2 procedure commands}
- pblock: ^ParamBlockRec; {IM II-98 I/O using the Serial In port}
- qblock: ^ParamBlockRec; {IM II-98 I/O using the Serial Out port}
- radiogroup: bytePtr; {Record structure for the GETGROUP/SETGROUP}
- {procedure commands containing 20 bytes}
- checkbox: bytePtr; {Record structure for the GETBOX/SETBOX procedure}
- {commands containing 20bytes}
- buff1K: Buff1KPtr; {1K buffer for own use allocated by WK}
- buff2K: Buff2KPtr; {2K buffer for own use allocated by WK}
- tfilter: FilterPtr; {Terminal Filter}
- ffilter: FilterPtr; {File Capture Filter}
- filter: FilterPtr; {Protocol Transfer Filter}
- theflags: FlagPtr; {IF YES/NO amd IF ERROR/NO ERROR}
- recpath: PathPtr; {Recived File path dest - up to 123 byte string}
- forecolor: RGBColorRec; {terminal window foreground}
- backcolor: RGBColorRec; {terminal window background}
- hilcolor: RGBColorRec; {terminal window hilite}
- sbfore: RGBColorRec; {status barforeground}
- sbback: RGBColorRec; {status bar background}
- sbhil: RGBColorRec; {status bar hilite}
- phonefore: RGBColorRec; {phonebook foreground}
- phoneback: RGBColorRec; {phonebook background}
- phonehil: RGBColorRec; {phoneboox hilite}
- indfore: RGBColorRec; {File Transfer Indicator foreground}
- indback: RGBColorRec; {File Transfer indicator background}
- rlefore: RGBColorRec; {RLE graphics foreground}
- rleback: RGBColorRec; {RLE grpahic background}
- WKsWindow: WindowPeek; {IM I-304 (WindowPeek/CWindowPeek) ptr to terminal window}
- DoUpdate: integer; {If RCMD draws in gp, set to nozero so RR will redraw the term }
- {window when RCMD is done }
- Transfer: Rect; {IM I-141 last position of file transfer window}
- version: integer; {version number of structure, currently = 0}
- end;
- Rptr = ^passvars; {Pointer to above structure}
- {_______________________________________________________________ }
- {Main RCMD code}
- procedure main (params: Rptr); {pass the pointer to the structure}
- implementation
- procedure main;
- const
- { Elements in the array of White Knight integer variables }
- { from A1% to Z9%: }
- position_of_S9% = 227; { (26 * 8) + 19 }
- position_of_S8% = 201; { (26 * 7) + 19 }
- position_of_S7% = 175; { (26 * 6) + 19 }
- type
- volClikByteType = byte;
- volClikBytePointerType = ^volClikByteType;
- var
- pointerToPRAMRecord: SysPPtr;
- volClikByte: volClikByteType;
- volClikBytePointer: volClikBytePointerType;
- PRAMErrorReturn: integer;
- previousSpeakerVolume: integer;
- requestedSpeakerVolume: integer;
- { ----- }
- procedure getPRAM;
- begin
- { Get a copy of the settings in parameter RAM, and store this copy }
- { in a record structure reflecting the organization of these settings. }
- pointerToPRAMRecord := GetSysPPtr;
- { Temporarily store the value of the one-byte portion of }
- { parameter RAM which stores the speaker volume, double-click time, }
- { caret-blink time, and other settings. }
- volClikByte := pointerToPRAMRecord^.volClik;
- end; { PROCEDURE getPRAM }
- { ----- }
- procedure setPRAM (speakerVolume: integer);
- begin
- { Offset 5 from the high order bit of the volClikByte is bit 10. }
- { Offset 6 from the high order bit of the volClikByte is bit 9. }
- { Offset 7 from the high order bit of the volClikByte is bit 8. }
- with pointerToPRAMRecord^ do
- begin
- { Set bits 8-10 (at offsets 5-7) of the volClikByte to reflect }
- { the new requested speaker volume. }
- { This is a hokey way to diddle bits, but it's very clear}
- { and it works. }
- case speakerVolume of
- 7: {111}
- begin
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 5);
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 6);
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 7);
- end;
- 6: {110}
- begin
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 5);
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 6);
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 7);
- end;
- 5: {101}
- begin
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 5);
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 6);
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 7);
- end;
- 4: {100}
- begin
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 5);
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 6);
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 7);
- end;
- 3: {011}
- begin
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 5);
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 6);
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 7);
- end;
- 2: {010}
- begin
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 5);
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 6);
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 7);
- end;
- 1: {001}
- begin
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 5);
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 6);
- bitSet(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 7);
- end;
- 0: {000}
- begin
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 5);
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 6);
- bitClr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer), 7);
- end;
- end; {case}
- end; {with pointerToPRAMRecord^ do}
- { Change the VolClick byte in our memory copy of the parameter RAM }
- { to reflect the changes made to our copy of this byte, above. }
- pointerToPRAMRecord^.volClik := volClikBytePointer^;
- end; { PROCEDURE setPRAM }
- { ----- }
- function writePRAM: integer;
- var
- OSError: OSErr;
- begin
- { Write the pointerToPRAMRecord (of type SysPPtr), containing }
- { the current settings for parameter RAM in low memory, to the}
- { battery-backed parameter RAM in the clock chip. }
- OSError := WriteParam;
- { Return the error code from this operation, if any. }
- if OSError <> noErr then {noErr is a constant set to 0}
- writePRAM := OSError
- else
- writePRAM := noErr;
- end; { FUNCTION writePRAM }
- { ----- }
- procedure cleanUp;
- begin
- disposPtr(Ptr(volClikBytePointer));
- disposPtr(Ptr(pointerToPRAMRecord));
- end; { PROCEDURE cleanUp }
- { ----- }
- begin { PROCEDURE main }
- { Assign the value of S9% to the requested new SpeakerVolume. }
- requestedSpeakerVolume := params^.uservar^.x[position_of_S9%];
- GetSoundVol(previousSpeakerVolume);
- if previousSpeakerVolume = requestedSpeakerVolume then
- begin
- {return 0 in S7% to indicate success }
- params^.uservar^.x[position_of_S7%] := 0;
- { Return the previous sound volume in S8% }
- params^.uservar^.x[position_of_S8%] := previousSpeakerVolume;
- { Return without changing the speaker volume. }
- exit(main);
- end;
- { If the requested speaker volume is outside the valid range }
- { of 0-7, then return -1 in S7% to indicate the speaker volume }
- { could not be changed. }
- if (requestedSpeakerVolume < 0) or (requestedSpeakerVolume > 7) then
- params^.uservar^.x[position_of_S7%] := -1
- else
- begin
- { Return the previous sound volume in S8% }
- GetSoundVol(previousSpeakerVolume);
- params^.uservar^.x[position_of_S8%] := previousSpeakerVolume;
- { Change the sound volume to the value specified in S9% }
- SetSoundVol(requestedSpeakerVolume);
- { If the current speaker volume was not changed to the }
- { new volume requested, then return -1 in S7% to indicate failure}
- { and exit without writing anything to parameter RAM (PRAM). }
- getSoundVol(previousSpeakerVolume); { actually the current volume }
- if previousSpeakerVolume <> requestedSpeakerVolume then
- begin
- params^.uservar^.x[position_of_S7%] := -1;
- exit(main);
- end;
- { Write the new speaker volume to PRAM. }
- getPRAM;
- setPRAM(requestedSpeakerVolume);
- PRAMErrorReturn := writePRAM;
- { Return the result code from attempting to write }
- { the new speaker volume to PRAM in S7%. }
- { The result code should be either 0 (success) or -87 (failure). }
- params^.uservar^.x[position_of_S7%] := PRAMErrorReturn;
- { Dispose of pointers. }
- cleanUp;
- end;
- end;
- end.